Sunday, January 22, 2012

Lifestyle Changes

In the late 1500's early 1600's, before the time of Thomas Sydenham's, no evidence or research had been done on the disease. Most people believed the disorder to be a mental disorder. With no effective treatments accessible and little information about the symptoms, people with the disease were looked down apon. Families often sent diseased children away to live with distant relatives in order to avoid exposing their child to the harshness of society. However now a days with our advanced technology and research we can properly diagnose and cure people with Sydenham’s Chorea. Around 50 percent of patients recover within 2-6 months while in some cases the symptoms of Sydenham’s Chorea continue to exist even after 2 years. Patients must learn to cope with many of the symptoms, however they are only short term and can be cured.

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